TICCIH 2018 Congress Chile

"Industrial Heritage: Understanding the past, making the future sustainable".



"Industrial Heritage: Understanding the past, making the future sustainable".


The understanding and knowledge of industrial heritage, from a wide multidisciplinary spectrum, typical of this activity, allows us to immerse ourselves in its past role and also, to anticipate and incorporate this wisdom for future management. Understand the past from the industrial heritage, without doubt, that will allow us in a better way, to make the future more sustainable.


To focus and emphasize this approach, of sustainability from the industrial heritage, in its different sections, will be a challenge to incorporate, from research and documentation; From cases and projects of value; And also for the various forms of management of museums, sites and industrial heritage in general.



• Section 1: Research and Documentation: Presentation of research, publications and work related to the preparation of cadastres, inventories and documentation, which are disciplinary or multidisciplinary, focused on knowledge and dissemination of industrial heritage.


• Section 2: Cases and Projects: Presentation of sites, containers and / or contents, where the value of the industrial heritage is manifested as a central objective of each project. They can be considered projects executed as well as in conceptual phase and programmed for a future execution.


• Section 3: Industrial Heritage and Management: Presentation of sites, museums, industrial parks and all kinds of cultural initiatives, which are operating or have operated, whose objective is or has been, to manage the industrial heritage, for its value, to Through a permanent action with a use for the community. The industrial heritage managed through a new activity, is of great interest for the sustainability and the revaluation of its context.



TICCIH-Chile National Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage - Chilean Delegation - Av. Pedro de Valdivia No. 1080 Of.51 - Providencia - Santiago - CHILE Phone & Fax 56.2.7169056 mail: ticcihchile@gmail.com

Jaime Migone Rettig

Director, Congress

TICIH 2018