TICCIH 2018 Congress Chile

"Industrial Heritage: Understanding the past, making the future sustainable".




"Industrial Heritage: Understanding the past, making the future sustainable".


Nowadays, cultural heritage has taken a strong role in contemporary societies. In the last decades, Industrial Heritage has jumped on the bandwagon of culture, to become a relevant actor in the understanding of us as human beings.


Industrial heritage has been established with great force as a new way of comprehending local culture and its relations with society. Its unraveling from a local point of view has allowed us to relate it with its roots and international networks in multiple ways. Both the international dimension of this cultural manifestation -which transcends the frontiers of its gestation and development- as well as the peculiarities that it acquires in its adaptation to local realities, allow us to understand Industrial heritage as a wise document of the past, present today through its various tangible and intangible manifestations.


Thus, knowing and learning about industrial heritage is a way of comprehending the positive and negative things that man has done to his planet and himself, in order to anticipate and project the future challenges of the 21st century in a better way. Seeing the past in the light of industrial heritage is, thus, making the future more humane and sustainable.



TICCIH-Chile National Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage - Chilean Delegation - Av. Pedro de Valdivia No. 1080 Of.51 - Providencia - Santiago - CHILE Phone & Fax 56.2.7169056 mail: ticcihchile@gmail.com

Jaime Migone Rettig

Director, Congress

TICIH 2018